Helping Children with Learning Difficulties
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Helping Children with Learning Difficulties
Judith Heath
A third grade girl named J. spoke intelligently with complex sentences and yet had great difficulties in school. She studied hard but was unable to remember math facts. Sadly, she told me that in school "math-downs' (like spell-downs) her team always lost because she had to use her fingers to arrive at simple answer to math questions such as 5 + 3 = 8. If she had enough fingers, she could come up with the right answer but fingers didn't work for multiplication or division. After she experienced a few sessions with QEST, she was elated to tell me "My team WON because I did't have to count on my fingers!"
Spelling had been impossible for her. Her teacher told me "If only the other children would study as hard as J. does, but it doesn't help her!" She'd study hard but get zeros on her tests because she couldn't retain what she'd tried to learn. At one QEST session her father said "We are so excited! J. was sick and absent from school for a few days. When she went back she had to take a unit spelling test. And she got 100%!!!" Somehow, all of the studying she'd previously done had not been futile. The information was in her brain and QEST, with improved brain function, had enabled her to access it.
One day she brought a book to read for me. I knew the book wasn't quite at a third grade level but she was reading confidently. I asked her mother "How does this compare to her reading before I worked with her?" She replied "J. couldn't read before. At all. She could only identify two small words such as "and" and "the". Now she is reading!"
J. had sustained numerous blows to her head such as stepping on a roller skate and hitting her head on her dresser. Crashing her bicycle and hitting her head on a flagpole. Results of these injuries, in addition to birthing trauma, had been addressed with QEST and the results were so gratifying.
Fifteen T.R.'s father brought him to me with a week's-old muscular injury to his thigh. Since he loved sports, both father and son were eager to have his leg strong and free of pain. I worked through the sequence of QEST and also did some specific things to address his sports injury. One day, after his upper leg was better, he came with a sprained ankle. When he left, his father was astonished that he was no longer limping and this encouraged his hopeful but somewhat skeptical father to bring him for more appointments.
Even more impressive than help with structural injuries was what happened regarding T.R.'s ADD. He appeared bright but had trouble focusing and remembering. He hated school and had a "D" average. Part-way through addressing T.R.'s conditions "in QEST order", I came to a section of our work that addressed old and even subtle head injuries. At our next appointment, his dad told me that he could tell T.R. tasks to do in the morning and he remembered to do them. That fall, in 9th grade, T.R. had a "B" average!
Several years later, I called his father to see what was happening. T.R. was in college with a "B" average. His father knew that this could never have happened without QEST and expressed his appreciation for the wonderful change in his son's life.
A little girl was brought to QEST because of coordination problems. After appointments during summer she was not only able to run better, but when she went back to her country school in the fall, her teacher said "This is not the same child!" Previously she'd been tested as "retarded". (That word was used then.) So she was re-tested at the same facility and the conclusion was "average intelligence"--quite a difference from being a child with special needs.
A somber 5 yr. old boy had such ADHD that his mother said he couldn't stick with anything unless it was destructive and then he could be focused for 15 minutes. He was angry toward other children and told his mother "I hate you and I hate the world." She was in despair: "What am I going to do when he is 15!?" I found him easy to work with from the beginning, though he never smiled.
He only came once a month and when I saw him for the second visit, his mother reported progress already in terms of calmness and focus. I asked him if he was aware of what was different. "Well, for one thing, I'm sleeping better." Even as a baby, he'd never slept well.
It only took a few more QEST visits and his mother said that teachers were commenting about how cooperative he was. His mother said he became her most considerate child. She decided that it was time for her other children and herself to receive QEST and did not continue to bring this son. I worked with him years later for after a head injury. He was a normally adjusted 12 yr. old boy with a ready smile; he no longer seemed like an angry old man in a child's body.
A 5 yr. old boy with autism was brought for QEST. After one session during Christmas vacation, when he returned to school his teacher commented that he was more focused. "You must have done a lot of work with him during break!" They hadn't. The only thing different was that he'd had QEST.